The official place to convey the Dharma preaching activities of the Sangha Foundation.
Now More Than Ever, Thank You for Your Generosity!
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Cúng dường Ủng hộ xây dựng Thiền Viện Pháp Thuận
Ủng hộ Ấn tống – Xuất bản Kinh / Sách / Tạp chí /
Dana, that is a offering or generosity, is one of the heart qualities that the Buddha tells us leads to freedom. For many of us, our time at Dharma Mountain illuminates opportunities to practice dana in our daily lives. In whatever form you choose, giving to Dharma Mountain Meditation Center is a way to perfect this beautiful while sustaining our community, Sangha Building and Dharma Program Support, this land, and everything it takes to tend this precious refuge.
Dharma Meditation Temple is a division of The Sakyamuni Buddhist Sangha of the United States (SBSUS). The Sakyamuni Buddhist Sangha of the United States is a U.S. nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law, Dontate now:

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Dharma Meditation Center
Updated Temple's Construction - Sangha Building and Dharma Program Support:
Updated Temple's Construction - Sangha Building and Dharma Program Support (